Zurück Beschreibung „Der Mensch ist unglücklich, weil er nicht weiß, dass er glücklich ist.“ So much for Dostoevsky. Do we all secretly carry paradise within us, and does it only take a good dose of autosuggestion to summon it? With these and similar speculations, actor Sebastian Koch and musician Daniel Hope set off on a search for clues across the history of literature and music. In the end, is paradise like the devil in the details? Is it entirely lost? Or do we not need paradise at all to be happy? Excerpts from the Bible and the Koran as well as texts by Goethe, Nietzsche, Rumi, Jelinek, Brecht and others provide answers and raise new questions, reflected in the impressionistic, illusionless and hopeful sounds of Debussy, Schulhoff and Bach. Further Recommendations